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REVIEW: Gold Shadow

Gold Shadow (Bronze Rebellion, #1)
by L.C. Perry

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In the North American continent, eighteen-year-old Ebony has been living as a slave for as long as she can remember. The underground cities, the tattoo, the scars and the shackles are a part of the only world she has ever known. She knows that in order to survive, she will have to stay strong. And she will stay strong, cursing those in power, until her very last breath. She waits for a meaningful way to die as she quietly pushes her body to its limit…but that all changes when rebels from the surface drop down right in front of her. 

Now, Ebony is challenged to envision a life beyond slavery as she and the other escapees are thrown into the center of a rebellion against the monarchy. She has to embrace this glimmer towards a real life…this glimmer called freedom. But what can she contribute to a rebellion that is doomed to fail like those before it? How can they stop a corrupt monarchy that has lasted for a century? Among the lower class, those with hope are hard to come by, but Ebony has found refuge with people full of it. And through their strong desire, an idea emerges…one that has never been done before. The princess of the country is coming of age and what better way to send a message to the king and queen than to kidnap their only daughter?



*A free PDF copy of this book was given in exchange for an honest review*

Gold Shadow may have a slow start but 10% into the book and you will find yourself hooked, I assure you.

We are first introduced to Ebony, a character who is cold and self-sufficient. As a slave all her life, she has learnt to harden her heart and disregard the companion of others as it could only bring more trouble. The foil character, in contrast to Ebony, is an innocent princess named Irene who was shielded from the harsh reality of the world, fed with the idea that the rebels were causing more trouble to her soon-to-be kingdom. The narrative of the story is told through the lives and experiences of the two characters, forming a clear understanding of the background of the characters.

Being at the wrong place at the wrong time, Ebony crosses paths with the rebels from the surface and is forced to go with them. As they make their leave, they are noticed by other slaves who wanted in on the escape as well. Ebony who was a slave all her life was experiencing freedom and the outside world for the first time. It was what she wanted, but yet she feels empty and wants more meaning in her life.

Gold Shadow has a variety of characters, each unique and captivating in their own way. There was diversity, which I really like. In my opinion, it wasn't the plot that drove the story, but the characters. Every character had a past that shaped and motivated them to be a part of the rebellion. It was also the relationships between the characters that made this book so interesting. 

I love seeing the character development in the story, especially for Ebony whose life changed because of her mentor, Asher. She was constantly driven to the edge, motivated yet scared for her life. I would see why too, especially because of Asher's personality. It was also how Perry revealed each characters' past that made me engrossed in the story. It was done so smoothly without it seeming as if it was awkwardly inserted into the middle of the story. Furthermore, the characters were so relatable that it could make the reader feel a connection with them.

The only thing that I disliked was how it ended with a cliffhanger, however, it sure sets the mood and thrill to read the second book in the Bronze Rebellion series.


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