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The Son
by Aaron Meizius

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Eddie Creighton is a young FBI analyst in Tampa, working in a maze of cubicles until he receives a summons from a senior agent in Denver. In an instant, he is pulled into an investigation far above his pay grade, searching for a serial killer with no discernible pattern and a strange personal interest in Eddie. As the case unfolds and the body count rises, Eddie must track down the killer and determine what their personal connection is before it's too late.


*A free eBook version of this book was given in exchange for an honest review.*

Immediately after reading the first chapter, I already knew that I would love this book. It is definitely an easy read, one that you can read to pass time yet get invested in the storyline.

Eddie Creighton is a brilliant analyst with photographic memory and an incredible brain that happens to even think of the wildest things. When I was first introduced to Eddie, I couldn't help but to think that he was a very serious guy but that quickly changed when he was summoned to Denver. He was so confused, and that's when I figured out that I really like this character.

The Son is a story that follows the narrative arc in a very organised way. It was clear cut, the writing and language was easy to understand, the build up to the climax was developed well and the ending was a positive one. It would definitely be a book that I would suggest to a 15-year-old, except that it has mentions of rape (term only!), however, shows like CSI, NCIS and many others mention it too so I guess it would pass for that age range. Looking beyond that term, The Son is a good example of how a narrative arc should be built due to its' clarity in the events and it is easy to learn from it too.

I liked that the chapters were short, making it easy to pause and to pick it up again. It acts like a little breather and allowed my mind to settle down after the events that happened in that chapter before starting a new one. I guess with this way, it makes it seem easier to read and retain the information, rather than reading chunks and chunks of words but forgetting it before the chapter ends. 

There were a few parts which I didn't enjoy. I didn't like how the serial killer went under the alias with the same initials. It seemed way too obvious and unnecessary to me. Perhaps the serial killer enjoyed and wanted to be found so easily? Or perhaps the serial killer did not notice or think about it?

Despite the minimal issues that I had with the story, The Son was an enjoyable read that was ideal to relax my mind, especially after reading heavy books, work or just before going to bed. If you're a reader who is interested in getting into mysteries or perhaps you like movies like NCIS, pick it up! 


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